Sunday, March 8, 2020

Avatar Meher Baba Samadhi superstructure proposal

                                           Avatar Meher Baba Samadhi
link to superSamadhi presentation to AMBPPCT superstructure design committee Word doc.x

In his Trust Deed, Meher Baba outlines plans for a "bigger tomb" to be built over the "Tomb" and specifies not less than 100 ft wide area around the Samadhi to be kept perpetually clear and unchanged. While this has always been referred to as "the superstructure", it is misleading of Baba’s intention to build a larger Samadhi, not just any decorative structure or protective roof covering over the Samadhi. A more accurate description of this project is super Samadhi  integrated in form and function with "expansion" of Samadhi "as one collective whole".

Trust Deed, pg 31:
"(A) The existing Tomb must always be available exclusively for the Settlor's physical remains to be buried therein as and when the Settlor drops his body.

(B) An area of not less than fifty feet on all the four sides of the Tomb to be similarly available for its expansion and for the burial of the physical bodies after death of some of the Settlor's women disciples.

(C) The existing Tomb proper and the said specified area for its expansion and for the graves which may be or will be there shall always be left completely unaltered and unchanged for all times even when a bigger tomb is built as a super-structure over them i. e. the Tomb proper and the specified area to be included under the super structure as one collective whole."

                                                             SUPER SAMADHI DESIGN PROPOSAL

view from west, Samadhi, darshan from all surrounding area

north south cross section, Samadhi, seven darshan Q levels, ramps, theater, dome, mural, roof terrace

view from south, exterior represents Baba's physical body, interior is seven planes involution/evolution, symbols represent Samadhi is for all religions and Avatars, dome is overSoul, cupola is Highest of the High

view from New Site corridor path

view from lake bund

 view from MPR road

                                                                    stone walls same as Samadhi

                                                                         view from top of Path

                                                    view from original post office site, tracks

view from highway at Meher Darbar

150ft x 200ft ground floor plan, 50ft radius of Samadhi including graves, cabin, trees, etc preserved unaltered 

darshan Q levels 1,2,3, 100ft open, stairs, service areas, toilets, balconies, planters

Q level 4, theater main level, stage

Q levels 5,6, theater mezzanine level

Q level 7, roof terrace,stairways

Q level 7, roof terrace, symbols, dome, cupola

upper Q levels, dome mural, skylight

Q levels 4,5,6,7, up/down ramps, dome mural, skylight
darshan Q up/down ramps, levels 1,2,3,  garlands hung on all railings around Samadhi

Baba's Samadhi, cabin, trees, darshan Q, garlands,
ground floor and levels 1,2,3, 7 open to light, air, and view of surrounding landscape

seven level 100 ft space around Samadhi is Baba's garland of His Lovers and their flower love offerings 

with dome removed view of  Samadhi, 100' diameter seven level Q, level 7 roof terrace

aerial view, roof terrace,,graves, 

Master Plan, super Samadhi, seven view corridors, tree plantations, MPR, lower Meherabad

Meher Baba’s Samadhi was designed and built by Baba and is the architectural icon and symbol representing Avatar Meher Baba. Trust Deed "bigger tomb" with same form and function is built over "Tomb" for its "expansion" and integrated "as one collective whole"

Baba carefully designed every detail, built His Samadhi, and made plans in Trust Deed for it to be expanded with a "bigger tomb built as a superstructure over the Tomb”. Appropriate name for this project is superSamadhi  not superstructure. Baba’s Samadhi is His architectural symbol and physical representation. Bigger tomb  “expansion of Tomb as one collective whole” will be visible miles all around  for aarti, darshan, and constant focus on the infinite Light, Love, Knowledge, Power, and Bliss Baba manifests silently to the world from His Samadhi and someday to millions of Meherabad pilgrims from His superSamadhi.


Avatar Meher Baba's Samadhi is His active workplace, office, meeting room, and center of power, not just a decorative shrine over the grave. Expanded super Samadhi is a workplace to perform these same functions for large numbers of pilgrims on a larger scale for Baba's Manifestation.

The symbols represent all religions, their respective Avatars, Baba having been all Avatars, and His Tomb as their unified Tomb and shrine of all religions. "Mastery in Servitude"  is important message reproduced on larger Samadhi. Baba once told Savak Kotwal that millions of pilgrims would have to take darshan at the railway tracks. This is only possible with super Samadhi like the Samadhi visible from the tracks. 

This super Samadhi design proposal is an adaptation to a much larger size and function of Baba’s original simple design and use of native materials. For many miles around Meherabad as far as Poona road it will be a clear symbol to focus on Baba, provide a large shrine for devotion and darshan of a very large number of pilgrims, protect Baba’s Samadhi from physical deterioration, and form a managable security perimeter.

Externally it is an unpretentious, unambiguous, and direct manifestation of God’s existence, power, love, and presence on earth as Avatar Meher Baba and His work for the Universe. The interior plan and artwork recreates an experience of Creation and the Path to God Realization, provide a comfortable space for large numbers of pilgrims and darshan, and would be recognized and function effectively as a significant place of world pilgrimage. 

The minimum size of the super-Samadhi is determined by the 50 foot radius of clear space around the Tomb that Baba required to be preserved and left unaltered. The interior space is a 100 ft diameter x 160 ft high open atrium around and above the Samadhi. Within this space on the ground level are the Samadhi, the tombs of the woman Mandali, Baba’s cabin, and the existing trees and flowers. Preservation of the peaceful and familiar atmosphere around the Samadhi as it is and free of crowding is accomplished by providing large area for pilgrims and darshan queue on seven mezzanine levels around the open atrium space.

The seven levels represent evolution and involution and maximize the space available for the darshan queue, arti, and seating areas while minimizing the building’s footprint and impact on the precious land, historic areas, buildings, trees, landscaping, and atmosphere around the Samadhi. The east main doorway is outside of the compound gate and the west doorway covers the graves of Nonny, Shireen, and Sheriar. The original hospital and cage room building is outside the north wall but does not block the north main doorway. 

As presented here, the 150’x200’ main floor ( 30,000sq.ft.) is the minimum size needed to preserve the 100 ft diameter open space around the Tomb, but if needed to be larger, it could extend over the compound wall. There is a total usable floor area of 180,000 sq. ft. on all levels which could theoretically hold approximately 30,000 pilgrims. Surrounding the atrium is one mile of darshan queue for as many as 10,000 pilgrims ascending and descending the seven revolutions in a continuous flow to the Samadhi. Garlands hung on the seven balcony railings surrounding the atrium fill the space around Baba’s Samadhi with an embrace of natural color and the scent of the fresh flowers. Super Samadhi is a garland for Baba’s Love and the love of His lovers.

Ground level openings are open for access, light, air, and view of surroundings but can  have doors or motorized overhead panels and operable screens for controlling access, light, ventilation, etc.. Above the ground level, the first, second, and third mezzanine levels have open balconies with planters for flowers and shade, and operable shutters and screens for light, temperature, and pest control. The next three levels 4,5,6 are open only to the interior space and are ventilated by the building’s strong convection and, if necessary, mechanical vents or ac. The seventh level opens to the outside with doors to the large roof terrace and a wide view of surrounding landscape.

Levels 4,5,6 have large theater with main and mezzanine seating for 1500-3000. Theater can be open to darshan Q or closed with operable sound proof insulated glass panels to keep silence in the central space around Samadhi.

Artwork on interior surfaces and the 100 ft. diameter dome can reproduce the Samadhi murals which otherwise would not be seen if it is no longer possible to go inside and also depict the stages of evolution and planes of involution. In addition to the separate up and down ramps for the queue, there are stairways in each corner for access to seating areas for pilgrims not in the queue or emergency exits and several lifts are within main columns. Toilets, service areas, air ducts, etc., are also within the 12 main support structures on each level. 

Instead of fixed paint or tile, interior wall and ceiling surfaces can be continuous digital display for unlimited ever changing creativity, any mood of lighting, artwork, individual video presentations, natural forms and species of evolution, interpretations of spiritual path, evolution, music, entertainment, interior of Samadhi, etc. Holograms could project 3D images/ video of Baba in the central space.

The floor and wall structure is conventional concrete construction faced with native basalt stone to match the Samadhi and engineered with sufficient reinforcement to survive earthquakes. Dome is steel truss structure with precast panels and plaster to match appearance of Samadhi, an interior acoustic membrane with a reproduction of the Samadhi dome mural. 10 ft.wide space inside dome structure is for maintenance access, ventilation, acoustic and temperature insulation. Large reproduction of Samadhi cupola is tinted glass skylight with air vents around base and openings for maintenance access to dome exterior. Original mural has empty circle at the top that may have been left open planning for this skylight. 

While needed for mass darshan by millions of pilgrims, until then super Samadhi replaces annual expenditure for unclean, fire hazard, uncomfortable Amartithi tent with permanent, clean, beautiful, fireproof, comfortable space for daily pilgrimage, aarti, and Amartithi. It is much needed to provide weather protection and security perimeter, attract visitors and new Baba lovers, generate financial support, and solve many existing problems. If built now to prepare sooner, rather than later or too late, for millions coming with Baba's Manifestation, super Samadhi is appropriate tangible effective unambiguous architectural medium manifesting Meher Baba to the world as Avatar of the Age and bringing the world to Him.